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Mt. Hermon Worship & Campus Ministries

Worship Ministries:   

Volunteers provide worship support in the areas of music, altar guild, acolyting, worship assistance, lay communion assistance, lay readership, ushering, and technology/multimedia.


Technology Team:   

Provides creative technology support for worship and social events, operates and maintains visual, sound, and lighting equipment, and manages technology purchasing needs.


Finance Team:   

Coordinates, tracks, and reports the finances of the church, prepares monthly financial statements, and communicates financial health to congregation.


Property Team:   

Maintains, repairs, and cares for church building facilities, grounds, and church property.


Office Ministry:   

Volunteers who help staff the church office, answer phones, manage correspondence and mailings, and general office support.


Recycling Ministry:   

Volunteers help care for God's creation by recycling sustainable materials.


Health Ministry:   

Advocates healthy lifestyles, cares for the congregational health, and administers health related services.

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Member of North Carolina Synod of the ELCA

3600 Highway 601 South, Concord, NC 28025 |  (704) 782-2326

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Office Hours: 8 am - 1 pm (M-Th) 

Our office is closed on Friday.

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